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Karl Hauptmann

«The Feldberg Painter»
24th April 1880 – 7th April 1947

Karl Hauptmann was born on 25th of April in 1880 in Freiburg i.Br., Germany. He received his artistic training in Nürnberg and Munich and was thereafter engaged as a decorative painter.

In 1908 he produced the first of what were to be his typical Black Forest paintings. In the years between 1915 and 1919, he produced numerous images of the Alpine region he had visited during his deployment with the mountain infantry in the First World War.

In 1918 Karl Hauptmann purchased «Molerhüsli», which for him encompassed his dwelling, atelier, and exhibition space. It soon became a favourite meeting place for skiers, hikers, students, and visitors to Feldberg.

Due to Hauptmann’s ever-present health problems, his doctor prescribed a trip to Italy in 1940, to which he again travelled the following year.

On 7th of April in 1947, Karl Hauptmann died at the age of 67 at his «Molerhüsli».

Lit.: Exhibition Catalogue, Feldberg, 1993.

Karl Hauptmann

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Winterauktionen 20.–21.11.2020
Mitoraj, Igor
1944 Oederan - 2014 Paris.
1985. Light brown patinated bronze. Signed on a thigh, numbered 5/8 and foundry mark «Fonderia M Italy».
H 66, W 20, D 14,5 cm.
Igor Mitoraj draws on the artistic tradition of the classical beauty of antiquity and builds a bridge to the present in his sculptural work. Mitoraj's gods, heroes and figures from ancient mythology are always fragmentary. The torsos and head fragments are often injured, damaged, sometimes even bandaged. They retain the lost splendour of past times and yet they appear sublime and timeless. In their wounded beauty they remind us of the transience and fragility of man.
Certificate: Peter Femfert, DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., 28.09.2020.
We would like to thank Mr Peter Femfert, DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., for the kind remarks via E-Mail, based on photos, 18.08.2020.
Provenance: purchased at DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., in the presence of the artist, in the 1990s; since then private collection Klaus Hug, Freiburg i.Br.

deutsch Mitoraj, Igor
1944 Oederan - 2014 Paris.
1985. Bronze, hellbraun patiniert. Auf einem Oberschenkel sign., 5/8 num. und Gießerstempel «Fonderia M Italy».
H. 66, B. 20, T. 14,5 cm.
Igor Mitoraj schöpft aus der künstlerischen Tradition der klassischen Schönheit der Antike und schlägt in seinem bildhauerischen Werk eine Brücke zur Gegenwart. Mitorajs Götter, Helden und Figuren der antiken Mythologie zeigen sich stets fragmentarisch. Die Torsi und Kopffragmente sind oft verletzt, beschädigt, teils sogar bandagiert. Es haftet ihnen der verlorene Glanz vergangener Zeiten an und dennoch wirken sie erhaben und zeitlos. In ihrer verletzten Schönheit mahnen sie die Vergänglichkeit und Zerbrechlichkeit des Menschen an.
Zertifikat: Peter Femfert, DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., 28.09.2020.
Wir danken Herrn Peter Femfert, DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., für die freundlichen Hinweise via E-Mail, anhand von Photos, 18.08.2020.
Provenienz: erworben in den 1990er Jahren bei DIE GALERIE, Frankfurt a.M., in Anwesenheit des Künstlers; seitdem Privatsammlung Klaus Hug, Freiburg i.Br.

hammer price: 33000,- EUR
(starting price: 7000,- EUR)