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Karl Hauptmann

«The Feldberg Painter»
24th April 1880 – 7th April 1947

Karl Hauptmann was born on 25th of April in 1880 in Freiburg i.Br., Germany. He received his artistic training in Nürnberg and Munich and was thereafter engaged as a decorative painter.

In 1908 he produced the first of what were to be his typical Black Forest paintings. In the years between 1915 and 1919, he produced numerous images of the Alpine region he had visited during his deployment with the mountain infantry in the First World War.

In 1918 Karl Hauptmann purchased «Molerhüsli», which for him encompassed his dwelling, atelier, and exhibition space. It soon became a favourite meeting place for skiers, hikers, students, and visitors to Feldberg.

Due to Hauptmann’s ever-present health problems, his doctor prescribed a trip to Italy in 1940, to which he again travelled the following year.

On 7th of April in 1947, Karl Hauptmann died at the age of 67 at his «Molerhüsli».

Lit.: Exhibition Catalogue, Feldberg, 1993.

Karl Hauptmann

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Frühjahrsauktionen 02.–04.06.2011
Holl”ndischer Portr”tist
Dutch portrait painter late 18th c. A pair of counter parts. Oil on cardboard, mounted on cardboard. One monogrammed and inscribed ´J.M.K. p.ª lower right. Verso with subsequent inscription ´Portraits Holland, Ende 18. Jahrhundert Ehepaar Haviland aus der Familie Sommershetshireª. Retouching.

deutsch Ende 18. Jh.
Paar Gegenst¸cke. ÷l/Karton, auf Karton aufgezogen. Zwei Halbfigurenbildnisse einer vornehmen Dame und eines Herrn des B¸rgertums im Stil des 17. Jahrhunderts gekleidet, in Grisaillemalerei auf rotem Grund. Eines u.r. ligiert monogr. und bez. ´J.M.K. p.ª. Verso nachtr”glich bez. ´Portraits Holland, Ende 18. Jahrhundert Ehepaar Haviland aus der Familie Sommershetshireª. Retuschen. H. 28,5 und 29, B. 23 und 24 cm.

starting price: 1200,- EUR