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Post-auction Sale from the
Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023
You missed the auction and you are now interested in an unsold object from our sale after the auction? Simply order it.

Form «Registration»
ORDER from the sale after the auction
I order in my name and for my account from the sale after the auction of the «Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023» the following catalogue numbers at the stated limit price. The specified catalogue number is mandatory and valid (not the title of the article). The prices are binding and do not include the surcharges (see Terms for public sale).

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 I hereby declare that I consent to the collected data being saved and used for sending advertising and information to me by email and mail. I may cancel this agreement informally at any time. I have read the Data Privacy Policy and I agree.
I am interested in following catalogues:
 Modern & Contemporary Art
 Decorative Arts & Antiques
 Books & Autographs
 Asian, African & South American Art
 Old Masters
 Jewellery, Clocks & Watches

I know the terms for public sale and I accept them as mandatory for me.
According to § 8 paragraph 2 of the Money Laundering Act, we have been obliged to implement extended security measures since 01.01.2020. Please note the information after submitting your bids.

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