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Consigning at KAUPP

Works of art are a financial investment, and that applies not only to paintings by Gerhard Richter. A vase, a tea service, or an old lamp can all be worth quite a bit of money. When you are not sure of the value of your treasures, but are utterly curious – simply come to KAUPP.

Form «Consigning» (German)
Using this form you can communicate directly photographs of the objects to consign.
Please attach convincing photos. You can upload your pictures in the next step.

I want to consign the following objects to the next auction
and would appreciate a first estimation.

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Your objects and works of art
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I am interested in following catalogues:
 Modern & Contemporary Art
 Decorative Arts & Antiques
 Books & Autographs
 Asian, African & South American Art
 Old Masters
 Jewellery, Clocks & Watches
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