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Karl Hauptmann

«The Feldberg Painter»
24th April 1880 – 7th April 1947

Karl Hauptmann was born on 25th of April in 1880 in Freiburg i.Br., Germany. He received his artistic training in Nürnberg and Munich and was thereafter engaged as a decorative painter.

In 1908 he produced the first of what were to be his typical Black Forest paintings. In the years between 1915 and 1919, he produced numerous images of the Alpine region he had visited during his deployment with the mountain infantry in the First World War.

In 1918 Karl Hauptmann purchased «Molerhüsli», which for him encompassed his dwelling, atelier, and exhibition space. It soon became a favourite meeting place for skiers, hikers, students, and visitors to Feldberg.

Due to Hauptmann’s ever-present health problems, his doctor prescribed a trip to Italy in 1940, to which he again travelled the following year.

On 7th of April in 1947, Karl Hauptmann died at the age of 67 at his «Molerhüsli».

Lit.: Exhibition Catalogue, Feldberg, 1993.

Karl Hauptmann

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 Image under artist's copyright.

Winterauktionen 20.–21.11.2020
Kissel, Hans-Michael
Born 1942 Worms, lives and works in Ladenburg.
«Im Sternzeichen des Daedalus (in the star sign of Daedalus)». Wind kinetic sculpture.
1999. Standing mobile. Aluminium and stainless steel, varnished, ball bearing. Unsigned. Weathering.
H 258, W 200, D 40 cm (mobile),
W 50, D 50 cm (base),
H 159 cm (mounting).
Only when there is no wind, nothing will move; a light touch is enough to set the steel arms and their dovetailed sails in motion, sometimes sluggishly, sometimes sweepingly - one impulse causing another one. A requirement for the noiseless oscillation of the work «Im Sternzeichen des Dädalus (in the star sign of Daedalus)» is the delicate balance of each individual element. Daedalus, the mythical inventor who constructed wings from feathers and wax to carry him and his son Icarus to freedom, conquered the skies and thus originated the ancient dream of flying. A larger version of this work is in front of the Staatliche Zeichenakademie in Hanau.
Authentication: We would like to thank Mrs Annette Kissel, wife of the artist, for the authentication via E-Mail, based on photos, 01.09.2020.
Provenance: private collection Klaus Hug, Freiburg i.Br.

deutsch Kissel, Hans-Michael
Geb. 1942 Worms, lebt und arbeitet in Ladenburg.
«Im Sternzeichen des Daedalus». Windkinetische Plastik.
1999. Stehendes Mobile. Aluminium und Edelstahl, lackiert, kugelgelagert. Unsign. Witterungsspuren.
H. 258, B. 200, T. 40 cm (Mobile),
B. 50, T. 50 cm (Standfläche),
H. 159 cm (Halterung).
Nur bei absoluter Windstille regt sich nichts; ein leichter Hauch genügt und die stählernen Arme und ihre schwalbenschwanzförmigen Segel setzen sich mal träge, mal schwungvoll in Bewegung, wobei ein Impuls einen entgegengesetzten bedingt. Voraussetzung für die lautlosen Schwingungen des Werks «Im Sternzeichen des Dädalus» ist das empfindliche Gleichgewicht der einzelnen Elemente untereinander. Dädalus, der mythische Erfinder, der aus Federn und Wachs Flügel konstruierte, die ihn und seinen Sohn Ikarus in die Freiheit trugen, eroberte den Himmel und begründete damit den sagenumwobenen Ursprung des Traumes vom Fliegen. Eine größere Version dieser Arbeit befindet sich vor der Staatlichen Zeichenakademie in Hanau.
Echtheitsbestätigung: Wir danken Frau Annette Kissel, Ehefrau des Künstlers, für die Bestätigung der Echtheit via E-Mail, anhand von Photos, 01.09.2020.
Provenienz: Privatsammlung Klaus Hug, Freiburg i.Br.

hammer price: 4400,- EUR
(starting price: 3500,- EUR)