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Carl Spitzweg

5th February 1808 – 23th September 1885

Carl Spitzweg was born on 5th of February in 1808 in Unterpfaffenhofen, Bavaria. Although trained as a chemist, he discovered quite early his talent for drawing and his affinity with art. Spitzweg travelled extensively during his lifetime and the impressions formed by his travels greatly influenced his work. Shortly after completing his studies in pharmaceutics in 1832, he visited Italy. It was particularly in the cities of Florence, Rome, and Naples that he discovered the many significant works of Western culture which were to leave a permanent imprint on him.

A severe case of dysentery in 1833 strengthened his resolve to abandon his career as a chemist and he proceeded to commit himself solely to his painting. In June 1835, he became a member of the Munich Art Association and travelled that same year to southern Tirol with the landscape painter Eduard Schleich, the Elder.

In 1839 he completed his first painting entitled ''The Poor Poet'. Although this recurring motif would later be considered his most well-known body of work, the painting was not accepted at this time by the jury of the Munich Art Association.

As regards his graphic production, the first publication in 1844 of his own illustrations in the Munich weekly paper 'Fliegende Blätter' is considered quite significant. His visits to the Industrial Exposition in Paris and the World's Fair exhibition in London in 1851 were his first contact with the Oriental scenes which would begin to inform his work.

To the deserving painter were bestowed numerous honours during the second half of Spitzweg's lifetime: in 1865 the Bavarian Royal Merit Order of St. Michael was conferred upon him, and in 1875 he was named an honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts.

Carl Spitzweg died on 23th of September in 1885 and was entombed in the historic South Cemetery in Munich.

He leaves behind a body of work dedicated to the townspeople who inhibit his genre scenes, and with acute and pointed, but never ill-natured humour he portrays the everday bourgeois life of his time.

Lit: Siegfried Wichmann, Carl Spitzweg. Verzeichnis der Werke, Gemälde und Aquarelle, Stuttgart: Belser, 2002.

Carl Spitzweg

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 Image under artist's copyright.

Herbstauktion 27.–29.11.2008
Jahresmappe der Gesellschaft für vervielfältigende Kunst in Wien, Jahrgänge 1897 - 1922
47 Radierungen, Farblithographien, Farbalgraphien, Farbholzschnitte, teilweise mehrfarbig oder koloriert. Darunter «Garten im Frühling» von Wilhelm Laage, «Im Paradies» von Georg Lührig, «Der letzte Sommer» von Felician von Myrbach, «Die Parze» von Cornelia Paczka, «Sonntagsmorgen in Brotzen» von Emil Orlik, «Regenschauer» von Hermine Laukota, «Porträtstudie» von Emil Orlik, «Landungsstelle» von Friedrich Kallmorgen, «Ruine im Walde» von Gustav Kampmann, «Abend» von Hans von Volkmann, «Der Engel des Lebens» von W. Woernle nach gleichnamigem Ölgemälde von Giovanni Segantini, «Felslandschaft» von Rudolf Jettmar, «Mutter mit Kind» von Cornelia Paczka, «Aus Lovrana» von W. Unger, «Die sieben Schwäne» von Heinrich Vogeler, «Blumenstrauß» von Henriette Mankiewicz, «Blick auf Mainz» von P. Halm, «Damenbildnis» von Fritz Burger, «Heiliger Hain» von Max Suppantschitsch, «Frühmorgen an der Elbemündung» von C. Storm van's Gravesande, «Bildhaueratelier» von Ferdinand Schmutzer, «Der Invalidendom zu Paris» von Frank Laing, «Vor der Schicht» von Felix Jenewein, «Rheinfelden am Rhein» von C.Th. Meyer-Basel, «Sonntag vor den Thoren von Paris» von A. Lepère, «Tiger» von Paul Neuenborn, «Das Meer» von Otto Fischer, «Huhn» von Richard Müller, «Gräber» von Otto Ubbelohde, «Sonntag auf der Marne» von Paul Colin, «Der Polster» von Maximilian Kurzweil, «Eifeldorf» von Franz Hoch, «Ritter» von Oskar Graf, «Mitternacht-Gottesdienst in Venedig» von Sir Charles Holroyd, «Hafenszene» von Charles Huard, «Nach dem Regen» von Adolf Luntz, «Schlosspark» von Walter Conz, «Haus an der Brücke» von Gustav Bamberger, «Winterlandschaft bei Nacht» von L. Michalek, «Mondschein» von Max Suppantschitsch, «Winter (Hohe Warte in Wien)» von Karl Moll, «Bretonischer Hafen» von Richard Ranft, «Das Almosen des Armen» von Matthäus Schiestl, «Kleiner See» von Adolf Zdrasila, «Die Sackgasse» von Albert Baertsoen, «Barnard-Castle» von Frank Brangwyn und «Dachau im Mondschein» von Oskar Graf. Teilweise auf der Platte bzw. auf Passepartout bez., sign. und monogr. Teilweise fleckig. H. 45 bis 57, B. 45 bis 56,5 cm (Bl.). Ungerahmt bzw. teilweise mit Passepartout. Mappe.


hammer price: 1100,- EUR
(starting price: 1000,- EUR)