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Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023

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 Image under artist's copyright.

Koch, Gabriele
Born 1948 Lörrach, lives and works in London.
Smoke-fired, white pottery. Ovoid shape with wide opening and incised decor. Signed under the bottom and on a round label inscribed «11.» by hand.
H 37, W 35, D 33 cm.
Unique piece.
Gabriele Koch's smoke-fired ceramics are an expression of an unparalleled success story. In Great Britain, where the artist, who is originally from Lörrach, lives and works, her works are part of the permanent repertoire of the ceramics scene. She builds the vessels, which are unique in terms of size, texture, colour and traces of smoke, by hand. Their strong haptic appeal makes them look almost like sculptures. No wonder that one of her first vessels was bought by sculptor Anthony Caro, who immediately recognised the power and charisma of Koch's works. Her works are in collections of leading museums from the Augustinermuseum, Freiburg i.Br., to the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
Authentication: We would like to thank the artist for the authentication via e-mail, based on photos, 06.09.2023.
Provenance: purchased at Förderkreis Keramikmuseum Staufen e.V., Staufen, in 2005; since then private collection Dreiländereck.
Proof of purchase: Förderkreis Keramikmuseum Staufen e.V., Staufen, 28.06.2005, invoice amount 1500 €.
Literature: Tony Birks, Gabriele Koch, Hand building and smoke firing, Catrine 2009, p. 85 (cf.).

Condition report  


hammer price: 400,- EUR
(starting price: 400,- EUR)