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Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023

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Grape merchant from «Cris de Paris»
Model by Peter Reinicke 1753 - 1754 for Meissen 1987. Porcelain, painted in polychrome colours and gold. Underglaze blue sword mark, model number «60221», assembler number «145», painter number «36» and date letter «h». 1st choice.
H 13,5, W 5,5 cm.
With 34 figures, the Paris street criers are Meissen's most extensive figure series and show a beautified snapshot of Parisian market life in the 18th Century.
Literature: VEB Staatliche Porzellan-Manufaktur Meissen, Figuren I, Pariser Ausrufer, sheet 1, No. 2 (old model number, cf.).

Condition report  


hammer price: 280,- EUR
(starting price: 280,- EUR)