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Karl Hauptmann

«The Feldberg Painter»
24th April 1880 – 7th April 1947

Karl Hauptmann was born on 25th of April in 1880 in Freiburg i.Br., Germany. He received his artistic training in Nürnberg and Munich and was thereafter engaged as a decorative painter.

In 1908 he produced the first of what were to be his typical Black Forest paintings. In the years between 1915 and 1919, he produced numerous images of the Alpine region he had visited during his deployment with the mountain infantry in the First World War.

In 1918 Karl Hauptmann purchased «Molerhüsli», which for him encompassed his dwelling, atelier, and exhibition space. It soon became a favourite meeting place for skiers, hikers, students, and visitors to Feldberg.

Due to Hauptmann’s ever-present health problems, his doctor prescribed a trip to Italy in 1940, to which he again travelled the following year.

On 7th of April in 1947, Karl Hauptmann died at the age of 67 at his «Molerhüsli».

Lit.: Exhibition Catalogue, Feldberg, 1993.

Karl Hauptmann

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Herbstauktionen 06.–08.12.2012
West, Benjamin
1738 - 1820.
First American painter of world renown. L.A.S. in third person. No location. and D. (1803?). One single sheet 8°. Written in his capacity as President of the Royal Academy.

deutsch 1738 - 1820.
Erster amerikanischer Maler von Weltruf. L.A.S. in dritter Person. O.O. und D. (1803?). Ein Einzelblatt quer-8°, die Vorderseite beschrieben.
In seiner Funktion als Präsident der Royal Academy geschrieben:
«Mr. West has the satisfaction to inform Mr. Hoare» (den englischen Maler Prince Hoare d.J., (1755 - 1834) meinend) «that he made known (his intended Academical correspondence) to the Council of the Royal Academy agreeable to his promise - and that the Council highly approve of his intention.
Mr. West is obliged to Mr. Hoare from Mr Clarks publication».
1804 wurde Prince Hoares «Academic Correspondence» in London veröffentlicht. In späteren Jahren trat Hoare vor allem als Theaterschriftsteller hervor («No Song No Supper»).
West erhielt seine ersten Studien in Philadelphia, 1760 zog er nach Italien, wo er mit Winckelmann und Mengs in Kontakt kam. 1763 ließ er sich in London nieder, und 1792 wurde er, nach dem Tod Joshua Reynolds', der zweite Präsident der Royal Academy. West war eng mit Benjamin Franklin befreundet.

starting price: 250,- EUR