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Winter Auctions 24.11–25.11.2023

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 Image under artist's copyright.

Acht, René
1920 Basel - 1998 Herbolzheim.
«Plastik Nr. 5 (sculpture No. 5)». Red disc house in the tower house.
Steel sheet, painted in black and red. Unsigned.
H 28,7, W 23, D 6,5 cm.
«Silhouettes cut from sheet metal occasionally take a three-dimensional shape. [...] Often also placed freely in space. Minimalist insofar as the 'sculpture', seen from the side, appears as a line in space and can be experienced from the front as a surface in space.» René Acht, quoted in: Wilhelm-Hack-Museum, Ludwigshafen, Kunstmuseum Singen and Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau (Eds.), René Acht, Lyrisch-Konkret, Cologne 2021, p. 154.
Authentication: We would like to thank Ms Bärbel Acht and Mr Andreas H.H. Suberg, Nachlass René Acht, for the written authentication based on the original on-site, 18.09.2023.
Provenance: purchased at Kunstverein Freiburg i.Br. e.V., Freiburg i.Br., in 1972; since then private collection Dreiländereck.
Invoice: Kunstverein Freiburg i.Br. e.V, Freiburg i.Br., August 1972, invoice amount 800 DM (approx. 409 €).

Condition report  


post-auction sale
(starting price: 400,- EUR)

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400,- EUR